Monday, September 22, 2014

BitF founder's house goes up! -not a publicity stunt!

Here I am just last week, brave in the face of my house burning down! Such irony, as I start developing the site, almost ready to begin our regular posts... a fire caught us off guard and completely demolished our place. What has so amazed us, in the wake of this, is the outpouring of love and support- it has just astounded us... sometimes beauty does rise from the ashes. Just gotta take a deep breath and be still, live in this moment, and let others in on the journey...

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Submissions wanted!

Starting soon, we'll be rolling out Brave in the Face posts and submissions on a regular basis! Get in on at the start of this fun, by submitting brave posts and strong stories now, to, or online at

We look forward to seeing all the nominations and submission encouraging Bravery in the Face of today!

@braveintheface #braveintheface

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Second post!

Trying out formatting issues! Yay! P.S. check out this heart-drop. Not brave, but cool.